From my experience, there are two types of atheists. The first group are just naturally predisposed to question everything immediately and probably realize they are atheists by the time their eighth birthday comes around. Generally, though, these enlightened young ones were not brought up in any particular religion. The second category is the one that I fall into (and perhaps many of you do as well?). This atheist is one that is raised in one religion or another and becomes an atheist in (usually) early adulthood. I was raised fundamental Baptist . If you come along, I’ll tell you a little bit about how a southern Baptist is indoctrinated. I may be a Latino woman in New York, but I have a special connection with these homophobes for Christ.

I’m not sure what to make of this “Dove Evolution” parody video that transforms an apparently fastidious (gay) boy into a (hetero) slob (NOTE:  That may be my reading).

While I applaud the artistry, attention to detail, and tremendous competency of the video, I am confused as to what message I am supposed to gain from it.  Is it a comment on modern, sedentary lifestyles?  Simply a reverse-“parody” without a punchline?  Why do I identify the model as gay, and is it meaningful that I do?  So, no one wants to look at ugly people?:  That doesn’t seem like a hugely plausible argument in favor of airbrushing.  If you have any observations or conclusions, please share. 

If you have not seen the original video, which was part of Dove’s “Campaign for Real Beauty,” it can be viewed here.   The original video was intended to illustrate the vast difference between the original, unaltered appearance of a model and the enhanced version the public views in an advertisement.